章鱼花园 Vol. 10: Happy Mother’s Day
LyricsX Spotify 歌词插件。
Table Editor 在线制作各种表格,包括 markdown table. #Tools
2021 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Shareholders Meeting
- Buffett 的演讲从 48:20 开始。老巴比较了当前全球市值最高的 20 家公司,以及30年前(1989年)市值最高的 20 家公司。这两个 list 其实是没有一家重合的。如同 Jack Bogle told us: “Don’t look for the needle in the haystack. Just buy the haystack”。 投资的要点是分散(diversify),之前不是有随机买 A 股的实验吗?所以未来 30 (2051年)我们可能无法知道那时市值最高的公司是哪些,But if you own a low-cost, market-cap weighted index fund, you will be guaranteed to own the world’s largest companies in 2051.
- 对新手来说 stock market investing means trading 25 times a day on Robinhood.不要频繁操作,你需要成为 time billionaire:「Graham Duncan: I was listening to a guy introduced a speaker a while ago. And he was saying people don’t really understand the difference between billionaires and millionaires. He said a million seconds is like 11 days. A billion seconds is 31 years.」
- 这个世上确定性的东西真的不多,上面可能就是一个了!
Botnet - The Real Zombie Apocalypse
- 因为大量的 IoT 存在固件存在安全漏洞,同时固件版本更新不及时,僵尸网络正在逐渐壮大。比如根据猜测 20% of the hashrate of the Monero network could be botnets
- Botnet 最令人担心的是背后的意图可能暂时不明显,比如自 2018 年首次发现的 “Purple Fox",过去一年(2020)增长了 600%,达到 9 万台设备。对于这种 set-it-and-forget-it 潜伏期的 worm,no one knows what its purpose is yet. Amit Serper from security firm Guardicore says, “We assume that this is laying the groundwork for something in the future.” 可怕。
- 中台:企业级能力复用平台,又或者是,各类的复用、聚合、协调。想法是避免重复造轮子,实现起来有困难。因为中台违背了一些软件设计的思想,即复制优于复用,组合优于继承。
- 内源相对于开源,是对内部开源。内源即将开源方法(最佳实践、协作方式、架构模式等)融入到组织的软件构建和发布方式之中,以在组织内构建类似开源的文化。
- 内源带来的优势:横向虚拟团队 + 内部技术社区
Syd Barrett 是早期 Pink Floyd 乐队的主唱,吉他手和主创作者,也是乐队 Pink Floyd 的命名者。1968 年 4 月离开了乐队因服用毒品而产生精神疾病。后期 PF 有很多歌曲是向这位前辈致敬,比如 《If》,《Wish You Were Here]》和 《Shine On You Crazy Diamond》我都很喜欢。
Why do we say “Going to the loo”?
- 为什么上厕所叫 “going to the loo”? The most commonly cited reason for our use of the word loo is that it comes from the cry of “gardyloo!”. This in turn comes from the French term “regardez l’eau”, which translates literally as “watch out for the water”. Servants would have shouted this in medieval times when they were emptying chamber pots into the street. This was frequently done from the upstairs windows of buildings, so it was certainly very good advice.
- 中世纪的仆人们往外倒夜壶(尤其是从楼上往下)时会喊一声「当心有落水」,后来 loo 就和这个「水」联系上了。
- 比如例句:「If you can touch your door while on the loo, you’re probably not rich.」
- 戈夫曼的《日常生活中的自我呈现》,书名非常直白:我们在日常生活中,要展示自我。这个可以视为“表演”。在社交网络上,我们也展示自我,同样是一种表演,按照今天的话说,就是建人设。但是劝你不用在网络上表演。因为:互联网是有记忆的,观众是不特定的。
The Psychology Behind Not Adding New Things Into Your Life
- Every purchase or acquisition comes with it hidden costs such as time, attention, and storage. We cannot just chase benefits without factoring in costs as well.
- The solution to this problem is what Cal Newport calls the craftsman approach to tool selection: adopt a tool only if its positive impacts on these factors substantially outweigh its negative impacts.
Notion: 章鱼花园期刊
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