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Email: sli22 at vols.utk.edu
Ph.D., Computer Engineering, University of Tennessee, Dec. 2011 – May 2015
M.Sc., Computer Engineering, University of Tennessee, Aug. 2009 – Dec. 2011
B.S., Electrical Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Sept. 2005 – Jun. 2009
Bachelor thesis: Improving the precision of GPS data using Real Time Kinematic (RTK) algorithm (in Chinese)
Compressed Sensing (CS recovery: A survey)
Image/Video Processing, Hyperspectral Imaging, fMRI, and LIBS Spectra Analysis.
Mobile/Urban Sensing (energy efficiency, data processing, sensing applications)
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs)
Pattern Recognition & Big Data Analysis
Computer Networks and Security
Shuangjiang, Li and Hairong, Qi, “A Douglas-Rachford splitting approach to Compressed Sensing image recovery using low-rank regularization”, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2015, doi:10.1109/TIP.2015.2459653.   [2015-image-video-recovery-pub.pdf] 
Shuangjiang, Li and Wei, Wang and Hairong, Qi and Bulent, Ayhan and Chiman, Kwan and Steven, Vance, “Low-rank tensor decomposition based anomaly detection for hyperspectral imagery,” IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP),Quebec City, Canada, September 27-30, 2015.  [2015-lowrank-tensor-detection-pub.pdf]  top 10% recognition among around 1300 accepted papers
Sisi, Xiong and Yanjun, Yao and Shuangjiang, Li and Qing, Cao and Tian, He and Hairong, Qi and Leon, Tolbert and Yilu, Liu, “kBF: Towards approximate and bloom filter based Key-Value storage for cloud computing systems”, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, 2014, doi:10.1109/TCC.2014.2385063.  [2015-kBF-systems-pub.pdf]
Wei, Wang and Shuangjiang, Li and Hairong, Qi and Bulent, Ayhan and Chiman, Kwan and Steven, Vance, “Identify anomaly component by sparsity and low rank”, IEEE Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensor (WHISPERS), In Press, Tokyo, Japan, June 2-5, 2015.  [2015-lowrank-anomaly-detection-pub.pdf]
Shuangjiang, Li and Rui, Guo and Li, He and Wei, Gao and Hairong, Qi and Gina, Owens, “Demo Abstract: MoodMagician - A Pervasive and Unobtrusive Emotion Sensing System using Mobile Phones for Improving Human Mental Health”, 12th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys 2014).  [2014-emotion-sensing-demo-pub.pdf]
Shuangjiang, Li and Hairong, Qi, “Compressed Dictionary Learning for Detecting Activations in fMRI using Double Sparsity”, 2nd IEEE Global conference on Signal and Information Processing, 2014.  [2014-compressed-fMRI-detection-pub.pdf]  [slides.pdf]
Shuangjiang, Li and Hairong, Qi, “Recursive Low-rank and Sparse Recovery of Surveillance Video using Compressed Sensing”, 8th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras, 2014.  [2014-lowrank-video-pub.pdf]  [slides.pdf]
Wei, Wang and Shuangjiang, Li and Hairong, Qi, and Bulent, Ayhan and Chiman, Kwan and Steven, Vance, “Revisiting the preprocessing procedures for elemental concentration estimation based on chemcam LIBS on mars rover”, 6th IEEE GRSS Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing, 2014.  [2014-spectra-denoising-pub.pdf]
Shuangjiang, Li and Hairong, Qi, “Pattern-based compressed phone sensing”, 1st IEEE Global conference on Signal and Information Processing, 2013, pages 169–172.  [2013-pattern-sensing-pub.pdf]
Shuangjiang, Li and Hairong, Qi, “Distributed data aggregation for sparse recovery in wireless sensor networks”, 9th IEEE international conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCoSS), 2013, pages 62–69.  [2013-data-aggregation-pub.pdf]  [slides.pdf]
Rui, Guo and Shuangjiang, Li and Li, He and Wei, Gao and Hairong, Qi and Gina, Owens, “Pervasive and unobtrusive emotion sensing for human mental health”, 7th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare, 2013, pages 436–439.  [2013-emotion-sensing-pub.pdf]
Jenson, Yin and Bulent, Ayhan and Chiman, Kwan and Wei, Wang and Shuangjiang, Li and Hairong, Qi and Steven, Vance, “Enhancement of JMARS”, 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2013.  [2013-enhance-JMARS-pub.pdf]
Shuangjiang, Li and Hairong, Qi, “Sparse representation based band selection for hyperspectral images”, 18th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2011, pages 2693-2696.  [2011-sparse-band-selection-pub.pdf]
Teaching assistant at University of Tennessee for:
CS140, Data Structures and Algorithms I, Spring 2013
ECE335, Electronic Devices, Fall 2012
CS302, Data Structures and Algorithms II, Spring 2012
ECE355, Computer System Fundamentals, Fall 2011
CS102/ECE206, An Introduction to Computer Science (C ), Spring 2011
CS102/ECE206, An Introduction to Computer Science (C ), Fall 2010
CS140, Data Structures and Algorithms I, Spring 2010
CS102/ECE206, An Introduction to Computer Science (C ), Fall 2009
Honorable recognition to be "top 10%" of accepted papers at The International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) 2015
Chancellor’s Extraordinary Professional Promise Award, University of Tennessee, 2013
Student Senate Travel Award, University of Tennessee, 2013
Passed doctoral qualify exam with the highest score, 96.88 out of 100, University of Tennessee, 2010
EECS Department Excellence Fellowship, University of Tennessee, 2009, 2010
First Prize Winner in the China Undergraduate Mathmatical Contest in Modelling (CUMCM) in Beijing, 2007
1. Journal Reviewer (40+ papers in total)
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies (IEEE-ETT)
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS)
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks (IJDSN)
Springer: Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering
KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (KSII)
International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing (IJAHUC)
2. Conference Reviewer (30+ papers in total)
2017 IEEE Int'l Symposium on Circuits & Systems (ISCAS)
Second International Workshop on Mobile Cloud Computing systems, Management, and Security (MCSMS-2016)
The 7th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies (ANT-2016)
2016 IEEE Int'l Symposium on Circuits & Systems (ISCAS)
2015 IEEE Globecom
2015 IEEE Int'l Symposium on Circuits & Systems (ISCAS)
2015 IEEE 82nd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC)
4th International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI 2015)
TPC member GLOBECOM 2015 Workshop on Advances in Software Defined Radio Access Networks and Contextaware Cognitive Networks (SDRANCAN2015)
34rd IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IPCCC 2015)
3. Technical Program Committee/Chair
IEEE Smart City Innovations 2017 (IEEE SCI 2017)
GLOBECOM 2015 Workshop on Advances in Software Defined Radio Access Networks and Contextaware Cognitive Networks (TPC)