章鱼花园 Vol. 15: 希望,是这个时代像钻石一样珍贵的东西
「希望,是我们这个时代像钻石一样珍贵的东西!」 ——《流浪地球》 #Quotes
Social Tokens: Year In Review #Crypto
Redis 的彩蛋 LOLWUT。作者将其称为一个艺术品,或者情怀。“数据库命令中的一件艺术品”[LOLWUT: a piece of art inside a database command](http://antirez.com/news/123) #Programming
- LOLWUT 从 5.0 就开始,并且遵从 LOLWUT rule,那就是:
- It can’t do anything technologically useful.
- It should be fast at doing what it does, so that it is safe to call LOLWUT on production instances.
- The output should be entertaining in some way.
- LOLWUT 从 5.0 就开始,并且遵从 LOLWUT rule,那就是:
我的机器学习笔记 – By aneasystone #Machine-learning
实战 Prometheus 搭建监控系统 文章比较老了,介绍了一些 Prometheus 的历史。 #DevOps
- DB-Engines Ranking of Time Series DBMS:其中 Prometheus 排第三,InfluxDB 第一 (截止 June 2021)。
Programmer Competency Matrix 程序员的能力矩阵。 #Programming
Cassandra vs. HBase: twins or just strangers with similar looks? #Programming
- Cassandra 和 HBase 在数据模型上比较类似。但是深层次还是不一样。 大体上Cassandra 是 AP 系统,HBase 是 CP 系统,所以在设计上有不同考量。熟悉这两个数据库对理解和设计满足 CAP 原理的系统有很大帮助。
- https://www.slideshare.net/DmitriBabaev1/cassnadra-vs-hbase
一款好的 App 本身就少,最可气的是好 App 还经常 EOL,花钱买了也不行。比如 Antenna for Reddit。网上怨声载道的。 #Tools
Philip Roberts 《Help I’m stuck in an event loop JS的 Event Loop 执行机制,容易理解。 #Javascript
The data model behind Notion’s flexibility Notion 是一款很好用的工具,因为非常开放和灵活,这篇文章讲了它的灵活到底是怎么实现的。 #Programming
beefier: 肌肉发达的,我把它翻译成"更牛的"。比如:The justification for data sharding is that, after a certain scale point, it is cheaper and more feasible to scale horizontally by adding more machines than to grow it vertically by adding beefier servers. #English
个人人际关系管理工具是 Monica,代码开源在 Github。
- This project is for people who have difficulty remembering details about other people’s lives – especially those they care about. We’ve also received lots of positive feedback from users who suffer from Asperger syndrome, Alzheimer’s disease, or simply introverts who use this application on a daily basis.
- 我其实之前就相到需要把人际关系管理(PRM)起来。一直时间和工具,也比较懒。 Monica 看似不错,但是感觉使用起来太繁琐。 #Life #Tools
2.0: two point oh
Notion: 章鱼花园期刊
Substack: https://octg.substack.com