章鱼花园 Vol. 15: 希望,是这个时代像钻石一样珍贵的东西

「希望,是我们这个时代像钻石一样珍贵的东西!」 ——《流浪地球》 #Quotes



  • beefier: 肌肉发达的,我把它翻译成"更牛的"。比如:The justification for data sharding is that, after a certain scale point, it is cheaper and more feasible to scale horizontally by adding more machines than to grow it vertically by adding beefier servers. #English

  • 个人人际关系管理工具是 Monica,代码开源在 Github

    • This project is for people who have difficulty remembering details about other people’s lives – especially those they care about. We’ve also received lots of positive feedback from users who suffer from Asperger syndrome, Alzheimer’s disease, or simply introverts who use this application on a daily basis.
    • 我其实之前就相到需要把人际关系管理(PRM)起来。一直时间和工具,也比较懒。 Monica 看似不错,但是感觉使用起来太繁琐。 #Life #Tools
  • 2.0: two point oh

